40% CBD Oil Premium

40% CBD Oil Premium

599,00 kr.

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Full Spectrum Premium Hemp Oil Extract with 40% CBD is as natural as it gets. The oil contains the full spectrum of the plant and thus the highest quality of cannabinoids, terpenes, essential substances and several active properties.

Sana Nord Premium 40% CBD Oil

This vegan and plant-based oil has countless benefits and uses and is therefore an essential part of maintaining body and brain balance. It helps maintain brain function and contributes to muscle and joint wellbeing. The oil is highly concentrated and offers a minimum of 4000 mg cannabinoids. Perfect for microdosing: a few drops of this oil daily will significantly increase your wellbeing and focus. It is recommended to distribute the dose morning and evening to stimulate the body’s receptors and keep them active around the clock. 40% CBD Oil is extracted from MCT oil, which stands for medium-chain fatty acids. The oil is a healthy and natural coconut extract. It is used in this case instead of hemp seed oil as 40% CBD is so high that the hemp seed oil could risk becoming rancid. MCT oil, on the other hand, can carry this high percentage without becoming rancid.

Quality tested CBD oil and THC free

Our oils are always quality tested and full spectrum. 3rd party analysis has been performed on each product to confirm and guarantee the content. The oil contains less than 0.05% THC.

Full Spectrum and Synergy Effect

It contains the full spectrum of cannabinoids and natural adjuvants that are essential for effective absorption of the oil. CO2 extraction is one of the most efficient ways to extract the highest quality cannabinoids, terpenes, essential substances and nutritional properties. Full spectrum CBD provides an entourage effect where the active components work together to ensure absorption. Terpenes, bioflavonoids, amino acids and other phytochemicals help create the Entourage effect. Terpenes are especially important as they smooth the cell membrane so you can better absorb nutrients.

CBD oil and the body:

Our body is born with millions of hemp-like receptors that sit on the surface of cells and regulate the body on both a physical and mental level. The receptors are like a vast network that occurs everywhere in the body: in the body’s cell nucleus, our nervous system, immune system, in the endocrine system that regulates our hormones, in our organs, bones and in most brain functions. Studies show that these receptors help regulate appetite, memory and concentration. When activated, your body becomes balanced and “tuned” so you can experience less racing thoughts, more focus, less stress and anxiety, more energy, being happy for no reason, reacting more constructively to situations, and more.

Receptors in the body:

Research has found the following CB receptors in the body: CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are primarily found in the brain and spine. CB2 typically occurs in the peripheral nervous system. They are particularly concentrated in immune cells, where they inhibit pain transmission, among other things. When CB2 receptors are activated, they help fight inflammation. Inflammation is an immune response that is thought to play a role in many lifestyle diseases.

The CB receptors and cannabinoids from hemp oil stimulate the body’s own innate receptors called endocannabinoids

CB receptors stimulate the body’s own internal endocannabinoids. Research has shown that small doses of cannabinoids, such as Cannabidiol, can signal the body to produce more endocannabinoids. See About the Effect for a deeper read on the studies and effects of endocannabinoid receptors. Source reference: bogenommedicinskcannabis.dk CBD oil active substance from nature with potent effects and results. CBD is short for cannabidiol. CBD is a phytocannabinoid (phyto = from plant). It is one of 120 phytocannabinoids identified in the cannabis plant so far.

40% CBD Oil is organic and made from MCT Oil

There’s a whopping 4000 mg of CBD in a bottle, which equates to about 16 mg of CBD per drop. This means that just a few drops can have a big impact. CBD is known as a natural wonder drug because it corresponds with millions of receptors in humans via the endocannabinoid system. The unique constituents of the cannabis plant, cannabinoids, can be traced back to the origins of the earth, originating from a single-celled organism from our primordial ocean around 4 billion years ago called Archaea. This organism has evolved through evolution to what it is today. Cannabinoids are found externally in the cannabis plant and internally in the human body. These are called exogenous cannabinoids in the plant and endogenous cannabinoid receptors in the body, respectively. Research shows that exogenous cannabinoids from the cannabis plant stimulate endogenous receptors found in the body. Today, the endocannabinoid system is responsible for maintaining a wide range of functions in the body. By applying CBD, they stimulate these receptors to regulate and maintain balance in the skin. CBD helps to make cells and connective tissue supple, which can produce visible results after a short period of use. Use the organic and potent drops daily and get a high amount of the important and complex antioxidant, CBD, which works especially where others do not. Sana Nord 20% Organic CBD Oil contains only trace amounts of THC and the content is less than 0.05% according to analysis. This means that the THC content in CBD oil cannot have a toxic (euphoric) effect.





Fuldspektrum Premium Hamp olie ekstrakt med 40% CBD er så naturlig som den kan blive. Olien indeholder det fulde spektrum fra planten, og dermed den højeste kvalitet af cannabinoider, terpener, essentielle stoffer og flere aktive egenskaber.

Sana Nord Premium 40% CBD Olie

Denne veganske og plantebaserede olie har utallige fordele og anvendelser og er derfor en essentiel del af vedligeholdelse af kroppen og hjernens balance. Den er med til at opretholde hjernens funktioner og bidrager til velvære af muskel og led. Olien er højkoncentreret og byder på minimum 4000 mg cannabinoider. Perfekt til mikrodosering: Få dråber af denne olie dagligt vil øge dit velvære og fokus betydeligt. Det anbefales at fordele dosis morgen og aften for at stimulere kroppens receptorer og holde dem aktive døgnet rundt. 40% CBD Olie er udvundet i MCT olie, der står for mellemkædede fedtsyrer. Olien er sund og naturligt ekstrakt af kokos. Den anvendes i dette tilfælde i stedet for hampefrøolie da 40% CBD er så højt, at hampefrøolien kunne risikere at blive harsk. MCT olien kan derimod bære på denne høje procentandel uden at blive harsk.

Kvalitetstestet CBD olie og Fri for THC

Vores olier er altid kvalitetstestet og fuld spektrum. Der er foretaget 3. partsanalyser på hvert produkt der bekræfter og garanterer for indholdet. Olien indeholder mindre end 0,05 % THC.

Fuld Spektrum og Synergi Effekt

Den indeholder det fulde spektrum af cannabinoider og naturlige følgestoffer der er afgørende for en effektiv optagelse af olien. CO2 ekstraktion er en af de mest effektive måder at udvinde den højeste kvalitet af cannabinoider, terpener, essentielle stoffer og næringsrige egenskaber på. Fuld spektrum CBD giver en entourage effekt hvor de aktive komponenter arbejder sammen for at sikre optagelsen. Terpener, bioflavonoider, aminosyrer og andre phytokemikalier, er med til at skabe Entourage effekten. Terpener er især vigtige, da de smidiggør cellemembranen så du bedre kan optage de næringsrige stoffer.

CBD olie og kroppen:

Vores krop er født med millioner af hamp-lignende receptorer der sidder på cellernes overflade og regulerer kroppen både på fysisk og psykisk plan. Receptorerne er ligesom et stort netværk der forekommer overalt i kroppen: i kroppens cellekerne, vores nervesystem, immunsystem, i det endokrine system der regulerer vores hormoner, i vores organer, knogler og i de fleste hjernefunktioner. Studier viser at disse receptorer er med til at regulere appetit, hukommelse og koncentrationsevnen. Når de aktiveres bliver din krop balanceret og “tunet” så du kan opleve mindre tankemylder, mere fokus, mindre stress og angst, mere energi, at være glad uden grund, at reagere mere konstruktivt på situationer, med mere.

Receptorer i kroppen:

Forskning har fundet følgende CB receptorer i kroppen: CB1 og CB2. CB1 receptorer forekommer primært i hjernen og rygsøjlen. CB2 forekommer typisk i det perifære nervesystem. De er særligt koncentrerede i immuncellerne, hvor de blandt andet hæmmer smerteoverførsel. Når CB2 receptorer bliver aktiverede hjælper de med at bekæmpe inflammationer. Inflammation er en immunrespons, som menes at spille en rolle i mange livsstilssygdomme.

CB receptorerne og cannabinoider fra hamp olien stimulerer kroppens egne medfødte receptorer kaldet endocannabinoider

CB receptorerne stimulerer kroppens egne interne endocannabinoider. Forskningen har vist, at små doser af cannabinoider såsom Cannabidiol, kan signalere til kroppen om at producere flere endocannabinoider. Læs under Om Virkningen for en dybere læsning om studier på og virkning af endocannabinoide receptorer. Kildehenvisning: bogenommedicinskcannabis.dk  CBD olie aktivt stof fra naturen med potent virkning og resultat. CBD er en forkortelse for cannabidiol. CBD er en phytocannabinoide (phyto = fra plante). Det er én ud af 120 phytocannabinoider der er identificeret i cannabis planten indtil videre.

40% CBD Olie er økologisk og fremstillet i MCT Olie

Der er hele 4000 mg CBD i en flaske, der svarer til ca. 16 mg CBD per dråbe. Det betyder, at ganske få dråber kan have stor indvirkning.  CBD er kendt som et vidundermiddel fra naturen fordi det korresponderer med millionvis af receptorer hos mennesker via det endocannabinoide system. Cannabis plantens unikke indholdsstoffer, cannabinoider, kan spores tilbage til jordens oprindelse, idet de stammer fra en encellet organisme fra vores urhav ca. 4 milliarder år siden kaldet Archaea. Denne organisme har under evolutionen udviklet sig til det den er i dag. Cannabinoider findes eksternt i cannabis planten og internt i menneskekroppen. Man kalder det for henholdsvis exogene cannabinoider i planten og endogende cannabinoide receptorer i kroppen. Forskning viser, at exogene cannabinoider fra cannabis planten, stimulerer endogene receptorer der findes i kroppen. I dag er det endocannabinoide system ansvarlig for at opretholde en lang række funktioner i kroppen. Ved at påføre CBD, stimulerer de disse receptorer til at regulere og opretholde balance i huden. CBD er med til at smidiggøre cellerne og bindevævet som kan give synlige resultater efter ganske kort tids anvendelse. Anvend de økologiske og potente dråber dagligt og få en høj mængde af den vigtige og komplekse antioxidant, CBD, der især virker hvor andet ikke gør. Sana Nord 20% Økologisk CBD olie indeholder kun sporstoffer af THC, og indholdet er ifølge analyser mindre end 0,05%. Det betyder, at indholdet af THC i CBD olien ikke kan virke toksisk (euforiserende).

Additional information

Weight 0,25 kg
Dimensions 10 × 3 × 3 cm
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