CVR: 39267829
Ørhagevej 151, Klitmøller
7700 Thisted
Invoice Number | 0137COM |
Invoice Date | 18th July 2019 |
Due Date | 22nd July 2019 |
Total Due | DKK 4.299,00 |
Hrs/Qty | Service | Rate/Price | Adjust | Sub Total |
4 | Accommodation 15-19.8.19 for 1 person not on the surf camp. |
DKK 250,00 | 0% | DKK 1.000,00 |
1 | Basic Package - Camp 2 Friday-Sunday, 3 Surf lessons, 2 nights stay in our camp. Surf gear available at all time. |
DKK 1.799,00 | 0% | DKK 1.799,00 |
4 | Accommodation 15-16.8 and 18-19.8 for 2 persons on the surf camp. |
DKK 250,00 | 0% | DKK 1.000,00 |
2 | Accommodation Accommodation for 1 person can be upgraded for surf camp 1799kr if needed. |
DKK 250,00 | 0.00% | DKK 500,00 |
Sub Total | DKK 4.299,00 |
Vat | DKK 859,80 |
Total Due | DKK 4.299,00 |
Payment to our bank account in Sparekassen Thy
Regnr.: 9083 Kontonr.: 0004350030
IBAN: DK4590830004350030 SWIFT: STHYDK21
Mobilepay: 890877
IMPORTANT Write your invoice number (end with COM) in note so we know who is paying.